Meet one of our passionate team members, Mara Denny, Customer Service Representative, and why she seems to have a few hot sauce bottles in the employee kitchen and sometimes at her desk.
Kevin S. Bogart, CPA, CPCU
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Topics: Employee Spotlight, WGB Team
2018 is already well underway, and off to a great start. But we’d be remiss if we didn’t take a look back at the year that just ended. 2017 was a tremendous year for Wood, Gutmann & Bogart. We experienced positive growth, welcomed new members to our team, provided phenomenal service to our clients, and gave back to our community. Let’s take a moment to reflect on some of WGB’s brightest moments in 2017.
Topics: Client Relationship, WGB Team
Trust is everything in business. Returning customers spend up to 300 percent more on products and services than first-time customers, and you’re not going to get repeat business with a client who doesn’t trust you. So how do you earn a client’s trust? Here are four things you should consider.
Topics: Trust, Client Relationship, Build Trust